I love to learn. I learn by doing. Those passions have brought me from a small town in northern Wisconsin, around the world a few times, to Nagano, Japan where I currently live. I lead a team of Happiness Engineers at Automattic where we make great products for the web. I have two young sons who keep my wife and I very busy, so my hobbies have mostly been sidelined for the moment and replaced with going to the park and coloring and I’m fine with that. I used to do ceramics, bike tour, write songs and read lots of books. Most days off, my family and I head to some hidden coffee shop here in the countryside, work in our garden, or get dirty in some forest somewhere. I still sneak in books after everyone is down for the night and some of the best ones I’ve read recently are The Inevitable, Time Management for Mortals and A Short History of Nearly Everything.